Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I maintain my cutting board?

A: Once a month (or as needed) apply mineral oil to all board surfaces. In addition we suggest applying a board conditioner (a mixture of beeswax and mineral oil) to help maintain a proper seal on your board. Apply to all surfaces and allow to sit overnight before buffing off with a soft cloth. See our Care & Maintenance page for more details

Q: How can I deodorize my cutting board?

A: Sprinkle a little salt on your board and rub with half a lemon or lime, squeezing the juice out onto the board. Allow to sit for a few minutes before wiping clean. Be sure to remove any remaining liquid and dry in a vertical position

Q: How long does a board take to make?

A: Our boards vary in the time it takes to make. We work to keep a few of our Calhoun boards stocked and ready to go, however that is not always possible and custom requests take priority . A new board averages about 8-12 weeks to make depending on the complexity

Q: Can I customize my board?

A: Absolutely! We use our CNC machine to add initials, names, logos etc. Pricing varies based on the design requested. Check out our Instagram feed for examples we have done previously!

Q: Where are you located? 

A: We are based out of Gloucester, VA

Q: Do you ship?

A: Yes, currently ship domestically

Q: Where can I purchase your work?

A: You can purchase directly from us! If we have in stock boards available, they will be here, or you can email us to place a custom order